Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy 6 Month Birthday, Sloane!

Sloane's 6 month birthday was November 15th. She's so darling. Smiles all the time with those two cute little bottom teeth and chubby cheeks, and loves to giggle when you tickle her neck and armpits. She's sitting up really well now, which seems to have opened a whole new world of discovery. She's digging her fruits and crackers - green veggies, not so much. She hates shoes and socks (how is this my child?!) but still leaves her headbands and hats on. Which is good because the bald spot that turned into a bald strip, is now like bald acreage on the back of her head. She seems to be getting some light brown fuzzy hair on top but that bald patch is still, well, really bald. We have high hopes that now that she's not laying down all the time, her hair will have a fighting chance!

We have so much to be thankful for this year - amazing family, great friends, good health, solid jobs...and most of all, our two beautiful children. Sloane's adoption day was November 24th, the day before Thanksgiving. Perfect timing!

I starting playing around with iMovie and made a little video capturing some of the best moments from the last 6 months. It's actually pretty easy - once I took the time to watch the tutorial, anyway! I feel so powerful! Given that the video is over 8 minutes long, it seems that I need to work on my editing skills some. Or maybe there was just that much good stuff. I think that's it.

BTW, the first song - From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours - is from a wonderful album about adoption stories from all perspectives. Scott's sister Lisa, who is adopted, gave it to us last Christmas and it makes me cry every single time I hear it. I know it says "your son" but the sentiment behind it is so heartwarming and perfect, it had to be on here. So, yes, I know Sloane is not a boy.

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